3 outdated SEO techniques that you should be avoiding for good Google ranking

Every business from small to large needs those magical set of words or the keywords to increase the ranking on the Google search engine. The higher ranking drags the traffic in greater quantity but before you use the SEO techniques for higher rankings you should know about these techniques that are no more accepted as good content by Google.     

Guest blogging – Just after the time when most of the SEO expert agencies had found this loophole in Google’s ranking system in which they used to back link the keyword in different articles, the Google announced that they will be reviewing these kinds of contents. This clearly meant that you don’t just have to use the keyword naturally but its linkage with article should actually be natural. Earlier, this technique was used to get huge traffic but now you have to use it with more care otherwise it will rate the content with low quality and drop your website’s Google rating.

On page optimization only – If you remember that earlier big fishes with higher DA which were based on informative content mostly topped the Google search page, no matter what you search. It was because these websites had high quality content in huge amount on their website only. But now, Google has extended the criteria of optimization i.e. you have to focus on the strategies beyond it. For more information on this, you can visit the page of Hook Agency.

Greater density of keyword – A myth that you should immediately bust is that the more number of keywords you will naturally be using in the content, the higher rank it will gain. Google has stated this technique as ‘spammer’ i.e. you will be spamming the content with more keywords. Rather you should make sure that it is used at lesser times as it could be, in any article. Also, every keyword should be used once in at least 100 words.     

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